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How to order from The Fuzz Factory!
So, you like what you see and want us to make you your very own custom creation. Here are the steps you need to take to help you get a position in our queue! Please remember that there are many factors considered when making selections, and that not every quote will be selected for construction.
At this point we are currently CLOSED for quotes!
First, you are going to need a reference sheet. An adequate reference sheet provides at least a two sided view of your character, should be in flat color, or have a color swatch indicating exactly what colors you want on your costume. If you don't have a reference sheet and you are needing an artist, please contact us and we can help you find one. We will NOT provide a quote without a decent reference sheet!

Art is by @_GreyWhite
Second, you'll need to select the type of suit you are looking for, and the details you'd like. Feel free to look through the PRICING PAGE to get a better understanding of what we offer. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask through our CONTACT page!
Third, and finally, you'll need to fill out a QUOTE FORM. This will give us more detailed information, such as your contact info, character details, size information, time-line, etc. Make sure to have a link to your reference sheet ready as well. If you don't have this hosted, a website such as Imgur can host this for free. Please know that filling out the QUOTE FORM doesn't mean we will immediately start the process of suit building (which is detailed over on WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT), and that there is no financial obligation when filing out a form. We will get back to you as soon as possible regarding your quote!
A few very important details:
Once The Fuzz Factory has given a final quote, a 30% deposit (non-refundable) is required within 10 days to gain a position in our queue. If the client does not meet this deadline, the quote form must be filled out again and though the process may be the same, the previous price will not be guaranteed. Payment is accepted with Paypal, Square Cash, check, or if applicable, cash. Payment is done in typically one of three ways- 1 All up front (least common), 2- In thirds (30% deposit, then two payments of approx 35%), and 3- After the deposit, monthly payments of at least 10%. The remaining cost is required before the costume can will be started. If the client is unable to pay off the remainder of the suit, they forfeit the down payment and will be reimbursed in installments for the remainder that has been paid. If a costume has been started, it is then forfeit and allowed to be altered and resold.
Every item comes with a three (3) month warranty covering both materials and labor. Repairs within this time period are done for free. This does NOT apply if the costume or part has been abused, altered, or improperly taken care of. These costumes are NOT intended for high-demand wear and tear unless the client has specifically requested such a costume, which generally brings higher costs.
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